DNA Groups

DNA Groups are small, gender specific discipleship groups designed to foster openness and discussion around the Christian faith.

Middle school groups meet for lunch immediately after church every other Sunday beginning on August 25th, 2024. If you or your student would like to join a group please contact us!

  • March 16

  • March 30

  • April 13

  • May 4

Teambuilding and Talking

This is an event we have for our Middle School youth wherein we talk about important topics over dinner (topics may include conflict in friendships, sexuality and lust, etc.), then follow up with teambuilding challenges with their DNA groups. We’ve done challenges such as egg drop and trick shot.

Next Teambuilding and Talking: March 9

Social Gatherings

We believe Jesus cares about fun and we want to have fun together! There are various social gatherings for our students throughout the year. Be on the lookout in our City Church Weekly Email for more details!

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Want to learn more about City Youth? We’d love to hear from yoU!

Alyssa Catalano - Middle School City Youth Director: alyssa@citychurcheastside.org

David Entrekin - City Youth Elder: david@citychurcheastside.org

Laura Veneri - City Youth Deacon: lkveneri@gmail.com