Women's Retreat | Lent | Elder Nominations & more...
City Church Eastside Weekly
March 26 - April 2
We are joining God as Family on Mission for the Renewal of all things. Here are some exciting ways to step into this journey of community and connection.

SIGN UP NOW - Women's Retreat!

Ladies! Registration is OPEN for our 2025 retreat! Come get away for a few days and enjoy rest, renewal, and refreshment from the Lord as we encounter him through worship, story and fellowship with each other. This is truly a weekend like no other, you don't want to miss it. Sign up today! (EARLY BIRD pricing ends April 1st.)

*Please let us know if you need financial assistance. We never want money to be the reason for not attending!

Date: April 25-27th
Location: Forrest Hills Resort (Dahlonega, GA)


Lenten Prayer & Worship Nights

As we walk through the season of Lent, we invite you to join us every Wednesday night for a time of worship and prayer. Together, we will seek God’s presence, reflect on His Word, and prepare our hearts for Easter through worship and communal prayer! 

Date: Every Wednesday through April 16th
Time: 7pm
Location: Atlanta Primitive Baptist Church 

Elder Nomination Form

City Church family, we are beginning the nominating process for new elders for our church and it begins with YOU! 

If you have someone in mind, click the button below to fill out the form!

  • March 26
  • April 2
  • April 9
  • April 16

Keep track of everything happening at CCE with our calendar!


Love music, tech, or worship? We need singers, musicians, and production volunteers (sound & slides) to help create an inviting worship environment every week! 

Please contact Annie Drexler for more information and join our fun team!

Meal Trains

Click here for current meal trains! It is a password protected page to protect the privacy of families involved. 

Webpage Password: citychurchmeals

The Latest:  The Krucke Family

February Financial Summary

Total Income: $61,591
Total Expenses: $76,441
Net Operating Income (Loss): ($14,850)
Operating Cash Reserve Fund: $153,425
*Does not include strategic reserve fund
O U R  M I S S I O N
Growing people to love Atlanta through the power of Jesus.

L E A R N   M O R E
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